May 8, 2015



The wander

I'm an information security professional with a full-stack development background and passion in all things on the border of chaos and order. I have active pursuits, either current job, career, or as a hobby in the following:

  • Tec
  • Sec
  • Dev
  • Ops

It is difficult to classify any of these as more important or more of a favorite. Each balance certain aspects of physical, creative, logical.

Grazing on your bits

A primary pastime is constantly reading and scanning the techno-sphere for all things interesting and associating them to a diverse range of experiences and knowledge to gain additional context. I absolutely enjoy running into luminaries and creators working during the advent of the personal computer and the the birth of the internet who contributed greatly and have a wealth of experience and insight. The constantly evolving landscape of technology provides ceaseless amazement, entertainment, and a major interest of my consciousness.

Trying of effortless

The approach I've adopted toward life is closest to what I've discovered is called wu wei:

Wu wei (Chinese: 無爲; a variant and derivatives: traditional Chinese and Japanese: 無為; simplified Chinese: 无为; pinyin: wú wéi; Korean: 無爲(무위); Vietnamese: Vô vi; English, lit. non-doing) is an important concept in Taoism that literally means non-action or non-doing.

Various serious pieces of literature along with personal experience has led me to this belief of the natural paradox of life. Throughout our existence and self-discovery of our own consciousness, we experience constant conundrums and contradictions of logic as well as a belief system. The following is a list of books that characterize this supposition (along with being brilliant and cogent arguments):

  • "Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid" by Douglas Hofstadter
  • "The User Illusion: Cutting Consciousness Down to Size" by Tor Nørretranders
  • "Thinking, Fast and Slow" by Daniel Kahneman

Sustainability in the Digital Milieu

Which leads to the go-to-market plan on how to thrive in the dynamic, yet oftentimes stressful, career field of Information Technology. The simple truth is to involve oneself completely; learn, experiment, and experience the field fully and success will come without the toil and drudgery of Trying.